Wellness Plans
Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to a man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not die, so do other creatures. ~ The Dalai Lama
At Piney Creek Square Integrative Veterinary Medicine, we value the companionship you share with your pets. And because we care about your furry family members almost as much as you do, we are offering Wellness Plans. Our intention behind these plans is to offer a cost effective method to our clients so that their pets can receive a similar level of care we, as veterinary professionals, provide for our own four-legged kids. Prevention is the key. Since our patients cannot tell us what is bothering them, and many of them hide health issues until it’s too late, early diagnosis through lab work and frequent exams provides a better outcome for any disease we treat.
Our Wellness Plans are NOT pet insurance. These plans are annually renewal preventative health plans that allow you to spread the cost of veterinary care over 12 months. If you are interested in pet insurance, please check out the Pet Insurance Review.
New Plans coming in January 2024. We will share more information soon. Contact our office with any questions.